Welcome new countries

Welcome to:

COVID study countries: South Africa, Turkey, Chile, Mexico, Canada, USA, Ghana, Nigeria, New Zealand, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Mongolia.

IAC SAFER countries: Thailand, Nepal, Sri Lanka, State(s) of India, Bhutan, Lao PDR, Vietnam, China, Philippines, Nigeria, Kenya


The IAC SAFER tool has been used to compare countries and we have completed the first analysis of change over time within a country. A first paper is being published on industry penetration in policy in Aotearoa.  

We have welcomed several new countries to the IAC SAFER collaboration:  Botswana, Cambodia, Colombia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway, Republic of Ireland.

The regular face to face meetings held between the collaborators of the IAC study have been prevented by the COVID pandemic.

Work has continued with publication of the development of an IAC Policy Index; a collaborative study on COVID and alcohol policy; and an expansion of the Alcohol Environment Protocol to create an IAC SAFER tool and to monitor alcohol industry penetration.

Welcome Canada

Welcome to Canada which is the newest country to join the IAC study. Canada’s participation has been made possible with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada/Agence de santé publique du Canada.